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Data and scripts produced from the paper "De novo analysis of transcriptome dynamics in the migratory locust during the development of phase traits"

Extract protein and CDS

Extract_Protein_CDS_From_BlastxResult.pl: Extract protein and CDS from the blastx results.

Calculate hitted reads number

CountReads.pl: The perl scripts used to count the reads number that hit on the transcripts.

Enrichment Analysis

EnrichPipeline: We have developed a pipeline to do the enrichment analysis using perl and R. This is the source file. The readme.txt file contains the manual to use the script.

If any of the above programs be used, the following paper should be cited:

Chen S, Yang P, Jiang F, Wei Y, Ma Z, Kang L: De Novo Analysis of Transcriptome Dynamics in the Migratory Locust during the Development of Phase Traits. PLoS One 2010, 5(12):e15633.(Full Text) 

(last modified on September 25, 2010) by Pengcheng Yang 

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