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  魏佳宁 副研究员

魏佳宁 副研究员

魏佳宁,博士,副研究员。1989年到1996年在西北农林科技大学学习,并分别获得本科和硕士学位;2000 年至2003年在中国科学院昆明动物研究所和中科院研究生院学习,获得理学博士位;1996年在中国科学院昆明动物所工作,1997年至2003年任助理研究员;2003年7月至2006年2月为中科院动物所进化生态组博士后工作人员;现在为中科院动物所进化生态组副研究员; 2009年至2010年在荷兰瓦赫宁根大学昆虫系合作研究。在国内外期刊上发表论文40余篇,其中SCI21篇,包括Annual Review of Entomology, PLoS Genetics, New Phytologist,Plant Cell & Environment, Nature communications, Plant Cell, Functional Ecology, Planta,和Chemical Senses等国际著名刊物,合作专著2部。主持国家自然基金委面上项目3项,连续2次以科研骨干的身份参加 “973”重大项目和国家基金委的创新团队项目,以及中科院先导B项目。现在主要从事的研究包括:1)植物-斑潜蝇-寄生蜂三级营养化学通讯。主要研究信息化合物介导的三个营养级间相互作用的分子机制和演化特征,以明确在其中起关键作用的挥发性信息化合物及昆虫的行为响应机理,揭示植物在调节自身直接防御和间接防御的机制。利用组学研究斑潜蝇和寄生蜂嗅觉的分子基础及它们受植物、种间信号物质的影响机理;2)飞蝗化学生态学方面的研究:飞蝗型变相关信息化合物的神经生理学、生化和分子生物学研究。


  1. Sun Y, Guo H, Yuan L, Wei J, Zhang W, Ge F. 2015. Plant stomatal closure improves aphid feeding under elevated CO2. Global Change Biology ,doi: 10.1111/gcb.12858.
  2. Wei, J-N, van Loon, JJA, Gols, R., Tila, M., Kang, L., Dicke, M. (2014) Reciprocal crosstalk between jasmonate and salicylate defence-signalling pathways modulates plant volatile emission and herbivore host-selection behaviour . Journal of Experimental Botany 65, (12) 3289–3298(IF=5.794
  3. Du, M., Q. Zhai, L. Deng, S. Li, H. Li, L. Yan, Z. Huang, B. Wang, H. Jiang, T. Huang, C. B. Li, J-N Wei, L. Kang, J. Li, and C. Li. 2014. Closely related NAC transcription factors of tomato differentially regulate stomatal closure and reopening during pathogen attack.The Plant Cell26:3167-3184. (IF=9.575
  4. Wang X, Fang X, Yang P, Jiang X, Jiang F, Zhao D, Li B, Cui F, Wei J-N, et al. 2014. The locust genome provides insight into swarm formation and long-distance flight. Nat Commun 5, 2957.( IF=10.742)
    Cui, H., Su, J., Wei, J., Hu, Y., and Ge, F. (2014). Elevated O3 enhances the attraction of whitefly-infested tomato plants to Encarsia formosa. Sci. Rep. 4:5350. ( IF=5.078)
  5. Yan L*, Zhai Q*, Wei J-N*, Li S, Wang B, Huang T, Du M, Sun J, Kang L, Li C-B, Li C. 2013. Role of Tomato Lipoxygenase D in Wound-Induced Jasmonate Biosynthesis and Plant Immunity to Insect Herbivores. PLoS Genet 9, e1003964.(* 共同第一作者IF=9.5
  6. Wei, J-N, Yang, L-H, Ren, Q, Li, C.Y., Ge, F and Kang, L. 2013. Antagonism between herbivore-induced plant volatiles and trichomes affects tritrophic interactions. Plant Cell & Environment, 36(1): 315-327. (IF=5.21).
  7. Zhang P-J, Xu C-X, Zhang J-M, Lu Y-B, Wei J-N, Liu Y-Q, David A, Boland W, Turlings TCJ. 2013. Phloem-feeding whiteflies can fool their host plants, but not their parasitoids. Functional Ecology 27, 1304-1312. (5 IF=5.4
  8. Zhang S, Wei J-N, Kang L. 2012. Transcriptional analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana response to Lima bean volatiles. PLoS One, 7(4): e35867. (IF=4.35)
  9. Wei, J-N, Wang, L, Zhao, J, Li, C.Y., Ge, F and Kang, L. (2011) Ecological trade-offs between jasmonic acid-dependent direct and indirect plant defences in tritrophic interactions. New Phytologist,182: 556-557. (IF=6.56).
  10. Wei, J-N and Kang L (2011) Roles of (Z)-3-hexenol in plant-insect interactions. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 6(3): 369-371. (IF=2.0)
    Kang L, Chen B, Wei J.N, Liu TX (2009) The role of thermal adaptation and chemical ecology in Liriomyza distribution and control. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 54, 127-145. (IF=11.27)
  11. Wei J.N., Wang L, Zhu J, Zhang S, Nandi OI and Kang L  Plants attract parasitic wasps to defense themselves against insect pests by releasing hexenol. PLoS ONE. 2007, 2(9): e852. (IF=4.35)
  12. Wei, J.N. Zhu,  J. and Kang, L. Volatiles released from bean plants in response to agromyzid files. Planta. 2006, 224: 279-287 (IF=3.37)
  13. Wei, J.N. and Kang, L. Electrophysiological and behavioral responses of a parasitic wasp to host plant volatiles induced by two Liriomyza species. Chemical Senses. 2006, 31:467-477 (IF=3.03).



电子邮件: weijn@ioz.ac.cn

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